At the enterprise level, innovation remains critical. When a company operates under a pro-innovation model, it’s primed to make fast pivots and stay in the lead. Giants like 3M integrate innovation into their operational models, requiring a specific amount of revenue to come from new products. As a result, teams get the freedom to experiment and try new things.
Unfortunately, enterprises can become bogged down with the need to follow strict rules that slow their progress on the road to innovation. Organizations struggle to weave innovation into their corporate DNA if it wasn’t there from the beginning. What’s the solution? Anonymous, empowered teams that work independently with limited oversight. But unless those teams are located in a separate facility, they may fall prey to status quo expectations and innovation-curbing hurdles.
For innovation to happen in enterprises, there need to be executive sponsors that embrace the “break things and move fast” mantra. Many C-suite professionals are hesitant to urge people to fail, but failure is what innovation’s all about. That’s why smaller, more responsive competitors with higher risk tolerances can and do steal market share from legacy companies.
Does this mean enterprises are doomed to lack innovation? Not at all. Bigger organizations can be just as agile and reactive to industry changes as nimble startups. After all, Fortune 500s have the best of all worlds with their colossal reach, brand recognition, and vast resources.
Procter & Gamble is a great example of enterprise innovation in action. It constantly leverages digital products to engage with consumers directly. Why? Blame Amazon and its innovative relationship with customers or smaller boutique businesses like Drunk Elephant, which captures the interest of younger consumers. Both inspire P&G’s culture of learning that accepts innovation as a methodical process that’s vital to its long-term endurance and permanence as a market force. In return for its willingness to innovate, P&G continues to present itself as a force to be reckoned with.
How do behemoths like 3M or P&G promote innovation? Intentional learning buoyed by innovation processes like Killer Questions, the DaVinci method, Design Thinking, and Lean Startup. Each follows a similar rhythm of moving from hypothesizing to testing to iterating and back again — while enjoying the freedom to fail in order to learn and grow.
As an example, a diverse and innovative enterprise team made up of varying specialists (e.g., designers, developers, marketers, and data analysts) might first examine changes in consumer behavior or expectations. After identifying those changes, the team could then work to create testable, small-scale solutions with a goal of eventually hitting on an innovation that will move the needle.
Any company can innovate. There are, however, a few key industries begging for innovation to transform operations:
Innovation can take any form, from an updated widget to a responsive website. However, one type of innovation continues to grow in terms of importance for enterprises that want to innovate: apps.
What makes apps so meaningful? Customers like them and enjoy experimenting with new features not offered on other platforms. As a result, enterprises are always on the hunt for ways to make app design and development a core part of their innovative focus. To do this, companies need to take certain steps to ensure their employees have a road map to success.
Now that you’ve set the tone for innovative app development in your enterprise, you’ll want to think about which planning strategies you want to use. Your options include:
Next up is a frequent problem that haunts many early app development teams: trying to design an app for “everyone.” Why does it haunt them? “Everyone” is not a consumer group. You have to focus on a target audience.
For example, say your initial research indicates a target audience of middle-class Millennials. That’s still a huge audience. A more detailed app audience would be middle-class Millennials engaged in the gig economy, working as Etsy sellers or Uber drivers. With that detailed target, you could more easily conduct social listening on a subreddit or Facebook community to make it easier to identify pain points.
After naming your target audience, think about what you want their experience to be with your app. Begin at the end, working backward to construct a customer journey flow. A thoughtful customer journey flow provides a powerful, customer-centric, and sometimes revealing map. At Atomic Robot, we’ve frequently taken clients through the customer journey flow only to find that the solution was quite different from their expectations due to unrealized stakeholder bias.
Now that your MVP is off the ground and running, you’ll want to stay on track by releasing small iterations rather than giant updates. This is also where A/B split tests can come into play. A/B testing will involve changing just one small element of your app at a time. By making tiny tweaks, you can quickly see what works — and what doesn’t.
Atomic Robot automates many of the processes you would otherwise have to spend more time thinking about, such as feature toggles. A feature toggle is used to enable features that can be incrementally introduced or A/B tested. Essentially, they’re tools that streamline remote enabling or disabling of features based on app audience segmentation.
As you progress further, you’ll want to establish protocols for collecting feedback.
First, know which mobile app analytics you want to measure upfront. Just don’t get lost in data — analysis paralysis is a real phenomenon. Remind yourself and your team members that mobile app analytics are most effective when you concentrate on a few key performance indicators and avoid getting distracted by historic metrics that aren’t immediately relevant.
Retention, for example, is a great metric to use when determining how users engage with your app. What if you measure and improve user retention, but that’s not the most meaningful measurement for progress toward your goal? Apps designed to change behaviors, such as smoking cessation apps, won’t be necessary in the long run if they succeed. Consequently, a drop in retention could be a positive indicator that the app served its purpose.
This emphasizes the importance of considering all performance measures. Here is a laundry list of the mobile app analytics most of our clients prioritize:
Though we’ve already discussed A/B split user testing techniques, it’s certainly not the only way to determine whether a mobile app performs as expected. Other types of testing can be highly valuable, including controlled focus groups, usability testing, and beta testing. The key is figuring out when to use each testing technique depending on the stage of the app feature and what you want to learn.
Be sure to check outside channels for subjective feedback that can’t be measured with data. Scour app store views and gather customer feedback through questionnaires and support channels.
Above all else, do your best to foster engagement and communication with users. Make use of home screen widgets and push notifications. Send emails with notifications about upcoming features like shortcuts or additional voice support. Embed universal links and deep links into your app design. Highlight the latest iteration on social media. Enable Siri integration to make recommendations based on app use. These efforts will help you get your mobile app over the finish line.
At the end of discovery sprints, we regularly produce inexpensive, interactive prototypes. Just remember that you don’t have to prototype every feature or interaction. Interactive prototypes should only be used for key interactions that support learning. If you decide it’s time for a prototype, you can test it one of two ways. The first is in an unmoderated setting without any pressure from a designer. The second would be in a moderated session, with a stakeholder asking users questions to prompt discoveries. Depending on what you need to know, each type of prototype test can be highly telling.
Unless you’ve been in the app design and development realm for a while, you may not know where to go for tracking tools. Some of our favorite places and platforms are:
Ultimately, the mobile app analytics you prefer will depend on a variety of considerations. Above all else, expect to pivot — consumers often use products in ways you could never expect!
Innovation plays such an elemental role in life that we sometimes take it for granted. Don’t assume this sort of innovation needs to happen in a vacuum. Instead, take steps to ensure that your enterprise team has the support, budget, and authority to test hypotheses, fail forward, and outsmart competitors.
Are you starting an innovation project but not sure about how to begin the journey on your own? Let the Atomic Robot team help spark innovation at your enterprise and be your partner every step of the way. Contact us today to get started!